Fangar bay is currently the only place known in the Mediterranean free of the disease. In mid-July started the first census campaign of the fan mussel in the Fangar bay, where it can be found the only population of this bivalve that is not infected by the marine parasite Haplosporidium pinnae, responsible for the disease that has taken the species to the limit of extinction. In the census participated researchers from IRTA-La Ràpita, the Catholic University of Valencia (IMEDMAR-UCV), staff from TRAGSATEC, Forestal Catalana, Barcelona Zoo Foundation and volunteers. In total, 39 hectares were sampled finding 168 still-living individuals. "Adding the four fan mussels that survived the storm Gloria, we can say that in the Fangar bay currently there are a total of 172 live specimens," states Patrícia Prado, IRTA researcher and coordinator of the campaign.
Here you can find more information in the local newspapers: